Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Konnichiwa, minasan!

I am very excited to be taking Japanese this year. I have been fascinated by Japanese culture and language for years, which probably started when I first began to read and watch manga and anime. I love learning new languages - I speak English, Spanish, and some Italian, so I wanted to try a non-Romance language for a change. I also became involved in the Japan Club last year and really enjoyed it. Learning to speak Japanese will help me get more involved in the Club. I also hope to someday soon travel to Japan!


  1. Hi Jenn! Glad to be in Japanese class with you! My reasons for taking Japanese are similar to yours. I'm sure with your multi-language background, you will pick up Japanese pretty fast. It's definitely challenging, but it will be rewarding too!

    1. Yes, seeing you in my class was a very happy surprise! We should definitely practice together sometime.

  2. Konbonwa! Jenn you are so talented to speak so many languages! BTW, what does your blog name mean? Is that your cat XD?

    1. Thank you! Haha, I don't have a cat, but I really like animals and it was just a quick and easy name that popped into my head... Pretty random, I guess.

  3. It's so cool that you're able to speak so many languages! I also want to travel to Japan some day as well. What are some of your favorite anime/manga?

    1. My absolute favorite anime is Fullmetal Alchemist (though I have yet to watch Brotherhood). I also like Naruto, Kuroshitsuji, Sword Art Online, Fruits Basket, Wolf's Rain... What about you?

  4. Hey how's it going! Sounds like we are taking Japanese for many of the same reasons. I also speak English and Spanish and was attracted to the Japanese language by anime. We should have a conversation sometime about our favorite shows. I would also like to hear more about the Japan club.

    1. Sure, sounds great! And the Japan Club is a lot of fun, with friendly members and tons of events throughout the year. You should look for them at activities night this Tuesday!

  5. Wow, you know many languages. Isn't it hard to memorize all those vocabularies and grammar things? I visited Japan right after graduated in high school. It was so fun. If you have a chance, I recommend you to travel Japan! There are a lot of fun!

    1. Spanish was my first language, but I was born here and spoke English in school. Italian is very similar to Spanish, so really the only difficulty is that I sometimes confuse the two of them. Japanese is going to be a real challenge! If you practice a language enough, it becomes second nature in no time.

  6. Hi!
    Yikes, seems like the language master is in class! ;) I speak three languages as well (Korean, English, and ...Spanish, though I only understand around 10% of what is going on), and it sure confuses me. I don't know how you manage to practice 3 languages!

  7. Hi Jenn Nice to meet you. I was in Japan club last year too and I still watch anime now(is that weird). It is so awesome that you can speak 3 languages. And for Japanese, I think they still use roman-letters in their systems.

  8. So cool! You speak Spanish too? So if you learn Japaneses, you will be fluent in 3 of the world's langues! That's a big deal. I like your color scheme on your blog- definitely makes me happy!
