あまり ブログのポストは かきません。私は わるいです!
ぜんぜん ひまが ありません、でも I will try to write more from now on.
Some fun things I have done in the past few weeks:
ともだちと Asian Storeに いきました。We bought lots of delicious snacks!
どくしょクラブに いって、日本ごの本を よみました。I was surprised by how much I could understand! (And I find it funny that I am reading books that little kids in Japan would find easy.) I can't wait for the next one, so I can see how much I keep improving.

Sushi-making 101に いきました。とても おもしろいです!And very delicious.
I will keep you updated on any other fun Japanese-related things I do from now on!
Deleteその さんばんしゃしんのなかの本ですよ。その本は さくらを について はなします。とても おもしろくて、やさしいですよ。It is a good series for learning to read because it isn't too difficult to understand and it has lots of pictures to help you follow along, and it also teaches you interesting things about Japanese culture!