ほたるのはか (Grave of the Fireflies)
このえいがは かなしいです!!Set during WWII, the movie centers around a boy trying to care for his little sister after losing his home and family. Their おかあさん gets caught in a bombing at the beginning of the movie. おかあさんは びょういんに いきました。でも、しにました。They go to live with their aunt for a while, but as food rations get 小さいshe starts to resent them. The siblings leave to live in an old bomb shelter by the 川. あとで、ごはんが ありません、だから the older brother must steal food for them to survive. The sister starts to get very sick from malnutrition, and あまり あとで いもうとさん しにます. In the end, the brother also dies. よかったえいがですが、とても かなしいえいがです!(そして、Studio Ghibliは とても いいです。I love all their movies!)
On the other hand, このえいがは とても funnyです!!Lucius is an ancient Roman architect who designs bathhouses. One day, ともだちと おふろに はいります。Suddenly, he emerges in modern-day 日本! Amazed by all the "flat-faced clan's" inventions, he is inspired to create a new bathhouse when he returns to Rome. The emperor is so impressed that he hires him as his private architect. He travels through time, Romeから 日本まで, each time incorporating a new idea from his visit to 日本 into a new design, gaining more fame back home while making あたらしいともだち and exploring the wonders of modern 日本. Utterly ridiculous えいがで、おもしるいえいがです。I recommend このえいがは みます。とても よかったです!
でも、このえいがは あまり よくありませんでした。It is about Kenji, who ともだちと 学校で 本を かきました。その本は is about villains trying to take over the world with robots and viruses, でも、そのしょうねんは save the world. あとで、when they're all grown up, けんじは コンビニのしごとが あります。As a new cult led by someone named ともだち starts to take over, けんじ realizes that it's his 本 coming true! I thought it was a confusing and long movie. でも、おもしるくて、たのしいえいがです。