日本のうちは きれいですね。I think having a げんかん (mudroom) in every house is a great idea! They probably help a lot to keep the house clean (and I also hate wearing shoes inside). I get the impression that 日本のうち are designed to save space. Everything seems to be in a drawer or closet, even bedding (ふとん)! The bathrooms are also very different! The おふろ kind of combines showering and bathing, and I like that bathing is meant for both cleaning and relaxing yourself at the end of the day.
アメリカのうちは 大きい です、そして よく りっぱです。The average house is spacious and very decorated. たくさん へやが ありますよ。For example, many houses have at least one living room, a dining room, a kitchen, an office, a basement, usually more than one bathroom, and many bedrooms. Gardens and large backyards are also very common. Most Americans shower instead of taking baths, and the toilet is in the same room. Contemporary, western-style Japanese houses are probably pretty similar to typical suburban American houses.
My favorite fact that I have learned about Japanese homes is that most of them have rice-cookers! Rice is one of my favorite foods. まいにち ごはんを たべます!(Well, almost every day.) ごはんは とても いいです。
じゃあ、また みなさん!